
Creative Writing Tutoring Service: $50/hour
As a service, I offer all of my Creative Writing Classes as one-on-one tutoring sessions. We can do them in person or online (Discord, Zoom). These sessions are one on one ONLY. If you have more than one person who wants to learn the same information – we can set up a private class (the pricing will vary depending on the class).
Estate Book Pick-Up Service: $0
If you are within 20 miles of Paperback Shack and are cleaning out an estate and don’t know what to do with the books, we have a service where we pick them up for you. The books must be clean and packed neatly in bags or boxes. If you need the bags or boxes returned – you will have to make arrangements to pick them up at the store during business hours.
A small caveat: all of the books have to be fiction.
If you are further away or have books other than fiction – call the store and speak with Lisa – sometimes we can help for a small fee.

Book Evaluation Service: $25
What is my book worth?
We’ve been getting this question a lot lately. There are many avenues for you to find the value of your book. Online searches, antique dealers, and local libraries are a few methods. If you want us to do this for you – we offer a service where you can call and make an appointment to drop the book off. We will search for information and values of your book. We will call you when we have concluded our investigation. When you pick the book up, will provide you with a report of our findings. The cost is $25 in cash, per book when you drop off the book (before we begin our work).
Current Turn Around Time on Book Evaluations is: 7 Business Days.
Why do I have to pay for this? Because it takes time (and a certain set of skills) to do this and time is precious (valuable).
Please note: 99.999999% of the time, we do NOT buy the book.
6058 Youngstown Warren Rd
Niles, Ohio 44446