Our Writing Classes

Fiction Writing I
This course gives the student a solid foundation for writing fiction. It covers inspiration, character, setting, plot, point of view, description dialogue, and theme.
Seats are limited.
Deadline to register:

Horror Writing I
Do you love a good scary story? Me too! It won’t surprise you that the horror genre is increasing in popularity. What is it about horror that fascinates audiences? I won’t keep you in suspense: It’s the feelings it provokes. Without emotion the monsters couldn’t frighten us for long. And that’s what the reader wants – they want the horror of the story to linger. They want to think about it long after they’re done reading. This class will delve into what makes horror resonate with readers. It will talk about fears, feelings, nightmares, monsters, and terror. And then, it will show you how to craft those elements into a story.
Seats are limited.
Deadline to register:

Cozy Mystery Writing
Our Cozy Mystery Class will teach you how to build the perfect sleuth, establish the setting of a cozy, because let’s be honest – readers come back to live in the world you created. It also teaches plot, character development, and how to raise suspense by planting clues, picking the correct suspects, pacing, and solving the crime.
Seats are limited.
Deadline to register:

Sci-Fi & Fantasy Writing
Learn to create new worlds. Whether you want to travel to space, a magical realm, or anywhere else you can imagine – this class will teach you how to render your world with words. Sci-Fi and Fantasy delves into magic and technology as story elements. We will also talk about creating characters for these worlds. How do you make your story world real for your reader? With fantastic worldbuilding, characters, and plot! When done right, your reader won’t want to leave the world you created.
Seats are limited.
Deadline to register:

Romance Writing
Currently not being offered. To set up a one on one writing class on this subject please call or message the store.

Outline & Synopsis
Currently not being offered. To set up a one on one writing class on this subject please call or message the store.

The Query Letter
Currently not being offered. To set up a one on one writing class on this subject please call or message the store.

Scene Writing
Currently not being offered. To set up a one on one writing class on this subject please call or message the store.
All of our classes can be made into a One on One class. Call or message the store for more information.
6058 Youngstown Warren Rd
Niles, Ohio 44446